Amateur radio (256)


Yet another new toy

I acquired a DTX1 DATV transmitter. Although this is rather dated now it is still a useful tx capable of transmitting between 350 and 1350MHz. As a test setup over my usual 6" or so transmission path here it is on 437MHz transmitting a test card (yes the test card is all wrong but at least has the callsign and it is unlikely to propagate beyond the garden). The test card is coming from a little device that reads an SD card (and other formats) and sends a selected image. I did try an old digital camera I have which has video output but which refused to do anything, not even when plugged into a TV. Anyway it proves the DTX1 works.

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I seem to have a lot of stalled projects currently. And then I got a kit of parts to build another Minitiouner... so I did that, and still have the same number of stalled projects! Oh well... The build went as well as the first one I constructed, very easy to put together and test. When connected to the Windows PC the test software all runs fine. This will go into the box I had for the previous Minitiouner the board of which is now inside the (stalled!) Portsdown.

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Q secondary locator

As I have a NOV that allows the use of Q as a regional secondary locator I actually had an SSB QSO on 40m today - first time using the Q and first time on SSB voice for some time now, for over a year it's all been FT8. Excellent signal reports both ways (I had wound the wick up to 50W). I really must start talking to people again!

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70cms fail...

Seeing there is a 70cm FT8 competition on tonight I sort of threw kit together to see if it even worked. So, one big wheel ('big' on 70cms is hardly big!) and a transverter plugged together and I managed a few decodes. Good, but... It fell apart once I tried to answer a CQ. The caller was high on the waterfall and the amount of drift the blessed transverter managed after just one transmit cycle moved the received signal right off the right hand side. So that failed. I did try to answer one more station that was in the middle of the waterfall but the same happened, this time still on the waterfall but no amount of chasing it across the screen yielded a decode. Fail again. Apologies to those two stations, this transverter is clearly useless for digital modes but I thought it worth a try. A tad disappointing. I managed all of 14 miles - I think the transverter manages 10 watts. I can do 17 miles to the local 70cm repeater on a handheld and supplied short antenna on 5 watts FM.

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ISS SSTV April 2022

Two events this month, the first from the 7th to 8th and the second from the 11th to 13th (ongoing as I type). I received nothing at all on the 7th and a few poor or very poor images on the 8th. On the 12th I received one reasonable image at 13:29 UTC and an incomplete one at 15:06. I even received a partial image at 16:36 with the ISS mid-Atlantic. That probably had the benefit that this area is clear to the horizon roughly in an arc covering Wales the lower half of Ireland. No more passes here until tomorrow... let's see what happens.

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