QMX+ first contact
I made my first QSO on the QMX+ on 30m today. It is a nice little QRP radio, the one I have has all bands from 160m to 6m. Getting it on the air is a bit of a fiddle, not caused by the radio itself. I have a very shorrt random wire antenna tuned by a Z-11Pro II tuner that works very well with the big radios but the QMX+ needs to be treated carefully. Tuning at full power is a bad idea because the tuner is going to hit some very high SWR figures and damage to the finals is a real risk. But there is more to this tale... First off, I wanted to run it from my old MacBook but no matter what I did it would never see any data from the radio - the QMX+ has CAT and audio along a single USB. CAT was working fine in wsjt-x but no audio of any description. So I loaded wsjt-x on the Mac Mini but it crashed every time I tried to set the radio up. Anyway, I wanted to use the rather neat iFTx app on the phone which does FT8 and FT4 and…
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