Slowly coming together. Yesterday I decided to attack the front panel with a drill and mount the rotary encoder, switches and the little Arduino board which I programmed earlier. This is for tuning the Langstone. For some reason my drill press insists on making triangular holes - if I wanted a triangular hole I'd never manage of course. So I've resorted to making a smaller hole and using a round file. Anyway, everything went into place, although the Arduino board has no mounting holes so I've tie-wrapped a piece of plastic under it as an insulator and used a decent (hopefully!) sticky pad to secure the board inside the front panel. So far, so good. Here it is receiving the Allstar microHub... I need to sort the microphone out. The USB audio dongles seem to be constructed for stereo input so I wired the same to the front panel. Plugging the headset in gives no audio, presumably its all shorting out. I can make it work by 'adjusting' the plug (pulling it out until it works!) so I need to re-wire or make a little adapter. There are a couple of fans in the case and so far it seems…
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