Radio and rails...


Projects, projects...

So, my projects remain stalled... no idea where the time goes! I seem to be amassing bits for projects but they are just piling up. Thus far the Portsdown is still needing filters and PAs. I have a VLNA for 23cm to build. I need to move the QO100 dish from the back of the garage onto the house wall so I can mount a PA and transverter setup close enough to the shack to be able to use a transceiver, and finally get onto the wideband transverter using the Portsdown. I have dishes for higher microwave bands, a 10GHz SSPA, a 2.4GHz PA and more microwave bits coming soon including a bandpass filter for 23cm and some microwave relays. Now the weather is improving hopefully I can make some progress. I need to get a mobile tower so I can do various pointing around the house (surprisingly I am actually qualified to build these things!) which will make it easier to move the QO100 dish as well as finally getting some antennas outside. But house DIY comes first, all else is secondary... Check back this time in, umm, maybe 2025!

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ISS SSTV tests February 20th 2022

Two pics from today's ISS SSTV test... This is a screenshot after the fact, I was not around to witness it. The ISS had already moved out of range for me by the time I got to the PC (ok, by the time I woke up!). I was there for the next one at around 10am UTC. The signal came in strong at first but faded out very badly after a few seconds, and then faded completely out after that so it's not much of a pic. These are received on 437.800 and given my internal collinear struggles a bit to receive the SSTV images on 145.800 it is probably not surprising that this UHF digital test faired worse. But the blocks that make it through are nice and

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APRS fiddling

I've had a Yaesu FTM100DE for a while now and for all that while it has had a USB adapter plugged in and doing nothing. The adapter, SCU-20 came with the transceiver. Anyway, I wondered what it could be use for. The handbook discusses it being used to extract GPS data and packet data and a quick search found some software, APRSIS32 for Windows (see ) that talks to various transceivers. So, software loaded, I needed a driver from Yaesu. Here's where it begins to get a little tedious as those of you who have had to go looking for drivers will no doubt know. First port of call was the Yaesu site and a search for FTM100. Ok, found that. Now 'files' and ... a driver for a SCU-19. Searches for SCU-20 found a PDF which contained the filename of the driver but not the source. I eventually found it... under the files for the FTM400. And that was the hardest part. Driver in, USB lead connected, APRSIS32 loaded and a few parameters configured and there is it. The software will also send messages etc. but apparently Yaesu do not allow their kit, or at least the kit…

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10GHz experiments

I am slowly getting kit together for 2.4GHz and 10GHz. So far I have SSPAs for both bands, one which will hopefully enable me to get onto the wideband DATV part of QO100, and the other as part of a 10GHz setup. I got a Goobay LNB from eBay a while ago. My plan for this was to build it into a POTY for QO100 but I acquired a ready-made POTY that had an input for a 25MHz clock signal and that all works fine. So I wondered if this LNB could be persuaded to receive 10.368GHz. Fortunately I had not got as far as pulling it apart. The LNB is marked 67321, input range 10.7 to 12.75GHz, local oscillator frequencies at 9.75 and 10.6GHz. Reading up on LNBs in general was advice that one can use the 24th harmonic of a 70cm handheld held in front of the LNB to generate a 10GHz signal. This I had to try and with a bias-tee feeding 12V to the LNB and an SDRPlay RSP2 and SDRUno it does in fact work. Transmitting on 432MHz should have, in theory generated a peak at 618MHz on the SDR (10368 - 9750) but it…

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I am searching for a few things and given the lack of accessible (to me) radio rallies I have listed those items I need below - please email me (wanted 'at' if you are selling anything suitable... Microwave signal generator, to get past 10GHz 32V 15A (or higher) power supply (prefer linear) 10.5V 12A power supply - I have a 12V 15A PSU from eBay which will adjust down to 10.4V so I will try this N socket to waveguide transition for 10GHz (SMA socket would do) 10GHz waveguide attenuator 10GHz waveguide load / dummy load, at least 30W

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