Printing blues
Recently our ageing HP 1022 printer has been misleading paper. There is a solenoid on the righthand side which controls the feed and the associated spring gets weak. I have stretched it three times so far, each time curing the issue for a while. A new spring is needed and, of course although I have a number of these they are all safely stored in the workshop never to be found! Coupled to the desire to print in colour and on reasonably thick paper - I'm thinking short ranges of 'special' QSL cards here - after a bit of research I chose a Xerox printer. Reasonable cost and - although as is typical with these things new toner costs more than the printer - aftermarket toner is affordable. The printer duly arrived and I set up the networking and it tried a test print. This failed to eject all the way and the printer announced it had a paper jam. Ok... try again. Nope. If I eased the sheet out as it was printing all was fine, but it never managed by itself. I did the usual things. Swearing at the printer failed to cure the issue as I had…
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