Radio and rails...


To switch or patch...

I like to fiddle with stuff but getting antenna a to whatever-it-is b is complex and usually messy. Coax to the loft is all RG213 or Westflex 103 and tends to be a bit stiff and unwieldy so sits attached to whatever transceiver or transverter it was originally put in for. But mixing and matching is my aim. Switches would be equally complex I think. So I am eyeing up a BNC patch panel I used to have in a Land Rover for antenna patching and which has been sitting for 20 or so years sulking in a box of tools. It has 32 holes each designed to take a BNC-BNC through adapter which makes for an extra plug at the rear - maybe a BNC socket wired to whatever kit it is intended for rather than the rear socket would be a better idea. It is the wrong shape of course, better for 4 rows and less width as it makes for long patch leads but if I have all the antennas in the centre I can cut that down - sensible routing is a must. I will still need at least one switch but I have a good…

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One thing I am not good at is actually getting on the bands and taking. I tend to dwell on FT8 due to rather naff hearing, but this POTA / SOTA thing has caught my eye now and so I wanted something other than an FM handheld. Enter a used FT817 - not the ND but hey. Yes it is yet another thing to learn but it came with a rechargeable battery and gives 2.5W out on 2m into a dummy load (very quick test, you know, new thing, gotta fiddle!) which the manual says it will set itself to when on battery. Unfortunately I got this a few days after our last excursion which would have been an ideal test. It also came with a cigar-lighter charge lead so it can be charged in the car on the way to somewhere. The rig is smaller than I had imagined, very luggable. It's dwarfed by my SWR meter - I really need to get a smaller one for portable use. I reckon it will be very useful for when I eventually finish off my various microwave kits. On order is a CAT / USB lead. It came with a Bluetooth…

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I have been renting a dedicated server for a while now as I had a project on the go that needed a bit of oomph and it was killing the VPS I was using. That project is not going anywhere fast and so I have moved this blog over to a VPS. Hopefully nothing has broken!

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Test gear expansion

I am (still) gathering microwave test gear and have now acquired a rather nice HP frequency counter, good to 18GHz (but apparently tested to 20GHz). This will help once I begin constructing the numerous kits waiting their turn, in particular a 10GHz transverter. Microwaves have interested me since my school days, not because of school but because I remember being interested and being at school. Actually, the interest probably dates further back to me seeing various microwave towers around the place and my grandfather telling me what they were. Anyway, having something means trying it out... so here it is with a HT keyed on 145.5, and more interestingly to me a 6cm FPV transmitter held close by (until I realised it was getting hot!). The meter had not even warmed up for the 6cm test - me being impatient! Now, I just need a signal generator and a spectrum analyser...

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Potential activities

I suddenly developed an interest in POTA and SOTA. Not sure why, I never seem to go anywhere other than the railway once a week, or shopping. But there you are. So far I have been active as a hunter and although I have only one confirmed QSO it's still more than zero. The QSO format seems to suit me too. I do prefer digital modes due to having naff hearing but this should get me onto the voice modes.

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