More VLF work
Another new toy arrived today. A Behringer UMC204HD "2x4, 24-Bit/192 kHz USB audio/MIDI interface". I had been reading about the use of soudcards for VLF reception and the raves about the UMC202HD - the 204 model has the addition of a MIDI interface as well which may be useful and one came up at the right price (ok, I missed several of the 202 models on eBay so grabbed this 204 one buy-it-now!) I did experiment previously with the built-in soundcard on the Linux PC but got very poor results, quite possibly due to a lack of perseverence (fiddling) on my part. Anyway, I took the advice of the many raves. And it works!I installed the excellent vlfrx-tools package plus an additional package vtlivesgram. Running vtcard and vtcat piped into vtlivesgram results in a very useful display: The trace above shows peaks where I see them using the Airspy HF+ Discovery / YouLoop combination which provided my first ever reception of SAQ. The results are limited when compared to the Airspy but that is to be expected. Here, the Behringer input is simply the output from a PA0RDT mini whip in the loft, plugged directly in via a 1/4" jack.
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