Short-ish long wire

I finally got some wire in the air. Well, not very much and not very high, but at least it is outside. One end is attached to an eye bolt outside the shack window positioned so I can reach it with the window open wide. From there the wire runs down to the workshop. I am not exactly sure of the length, Google Maps suggests just short of 30 feet. So pretty short! But it works, and the FT450D internal tuner can cope with it from 30m to 6m, except for 12m. Anything lower than 30m has SWR approaching 3 but otherwise it seems to be ok. Pity the sun is being naughty right now but it gets a good spread across much of Europe on 20m.

The wire feeds a 9:1 (I think!) unun and a 1:1 choke, then RG58 (*) to the patch panel. The cable needs to be routed yet as it is currently just running through the open window.

Signals received are definitely stronger than with the loft wire and Z11 tuner but it is hard to say exactly how much because of the time taken to swap leads, disable or enable the internal tuner, and tune the wire during which time the watched FT8 QSOs have ended and moved etc. However, with the TS2000X on and connected to the loft wire a random Italian FT8 signal was -17 on the TS2000X + loft wire and -9 on the FT450D + new external wire. Plus the waterfall on the two rigs definitely shows the advantage of the external wire. In fact, the wire length is probably similar to the existing loft wire.

So now I really must get round to running a wire up the garden which will be a lot longer.

(* Typical. I put RB58 instead of RG58, didn’t proof read, turned everything off for work and just got back to edit it now!)

New Year resolution

So… that time of year again! Where did the last 63 go… Currently all my antennas are in the loft and this is something I have wanted to address for far too long. So 2024 is going to see some actual metal outdoors.

First on the list is the collinear for GB7RVB. The plan there is to use a TK bracket and put it up on a mast so it is just above the roofline. The issue I will have here is our house is silhouetted against the backdrop of far away hills and I just know there will be complaints. But as we do not have an external TV antenna there are many oversized examples around where people have clearly been done over by unscrupulous installers. We can see Emley Moor mast to the south plus at least two repeaters and our 6 element or so TV antenna in the loft provides perfectly good signal strengths so why the large ‘digital’ antennas? Anyway, they cannot really whinge at me for a collinear given all that metalwork along the rooflines. That’s my defence anyway! Depending on complaints, or hopefully the lack thereof it will probably get a coup, of feet higher as time goes on…

Next the QO100 dish needs to move to the house wall. The current location is about 5 foot off the ground and unsuitable for the new radiation rules. Siting it on the house wall avoids this and means I can up the power to DATV levels.

And for HF… my initial plan is for a random wire the length of the garden, from the house wall to the trees at the top. I have the wire and rope and assorted clamps etc.

I hope I don’t need to revisit this page in 2025 and still have work to do!

Antenna fiddling

I’ve been investigating putting some antennas outside and not getting very far. So I got a 2m ‘big wheel’ antenna off a trader on eBay. Plan A was to build my own but, being lazy I purchased a Wimo one. I’ve just installed this in the loft, directly above the shack so no issues of distancing (!) and it is a lot bigger than I had pictured. I now need to crawl under the thing to get to the fan dipole and other less important things such as the plumbing feeding the shower… hmmm.

Anyway, it all went together without much struggle and the NanoVNA shows a decent low SWR across the 2m band. I’ve had to rearrange stuff so the 4m dipole is now where the 2m one was and had to be rotated 90 degrees so is now roughly north-south.

Initial PSK Reporter results from the big wheel – note both the 2 and 4m antennas are fed from transverters from the transverter store in the Ukraine – showed 2m FT8 results of -14db into Cornwall and -10db into Cork plus a decent spread, and 4m picked up in south Wales so no worse than before. Of course, all these reports will probably be from stations with far better antennas than me, but hey.

The next task is to build a halo for 4m. I have some metal on order for that and other projects, like a 4m ground plane so I can do vertical as well as horizontal.

All still in the loft of course. One day these will be outside getting wet…

23cm groundplane antenna

I thought it would be a useful experiment to make up a 23cm groundplane antenna. There is a useful guide at

Using some 2mm copper wire from a supplier on eBay plus a N-type female socket the construction was fairly simple. Using the dimensions given above plus a bit for fiddle room I soldered the vertical element to the centre conductor of the socket. For the radials, given it was copper wire I decided to press my jewellers anvil to work and flattened the end of each element sufficiently to drill a 2.5mm hole. Using 2.5mm bolts each was secured to the respective mounting hole in the socket, and then the excess thread was cut off with a Dremel.

Bringing it all indoors – the heavy stuff like drills and hammers live in the workshop – I calibrated my NanoVNA and gave the new antenna a go. It was a bit off but then each element was too long. Trimming each gave a fairly flat SWR where I wanted it. Well, almost, but near enough to stop cutting bits off!

But does it work? Yes, I can open up GB3WC from the shack holding the antenna up inside the window. It’s about two S-points down on the Yagi, or anyway two of whatever the divisions are on the signal strength meter on the FT2D. Surprisingly I can get into the repeater with the antenna on the desk, albeit only coming alway up the signal strength bar and very hissy. It was the same when sitting the antenna in an old bottle as a support – at that altitude there are a lot of houses and trees between us and the repeater.

For a bit of copper wire and a socket it was a fun little thing to make. I actually planned to make a collinear and may still,  but this was nice and simple and quick.



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