Both my 868MHz and 433MHz nodes are being odd today. I had been looking into the data that arrives when ‘–noproto’ is sent to the node and, typically there is a fairly constant stream of data. But today, despite both being power cycled there is no data at all. Odd, because when I ask the 868Mhz node for its nodelist it is being updated. Maybe it’s something in the new firmware but for now I’ve been fiddling enough and it’s time to take a step back. I have not had any successful traceroutes today, I responded to a couple of requests and got no reply. It’s made worse by the fact that, having moved the nodes in the loft they are now out of BLE range. Both are connected to a Raspberry Pi via USB so I can access the nodes that way but for client use I use my mobile node assuming that the node in the loft will relay everything – maybe not. And for 433MHz I only have the one node anyway.
Mind you, it is raining and I suspect that is making a fairly decent shield for 868MHz, and I have yet to see any activity on 433MHz. So maybe it’s just the wrong time…
The other issue, at least around here is the popularity with over 120 nodes in the list, many sending telemetry and position updates all the time.
Getting the antennas outside will help but that will take a while yet unless I mount them low down on the workshop – actually that may not be that daft an idea. If it stops raining…