20m JT activity

Well last night 20m was alive with JT65 and JT9. I saw lots of stations from North America and a number from South America. I replied to a dozen or so US but no-one heard me. Oh well. I tried a couple of EU stations, again nothing. Hmmm. Then the band died off… try again tonight! Mind you, if this stuff was too easy it would not be fun.

One thing that would be useful is a clock that bleeps every minute but on the, say 45th second to remind you to look for CQs.

More 20m

Well I am up to three HF contacts now, two with Slovenia and the third with one of the 14th Antarctic Activity Week special even station. My tatty fan dipole seems to work ok. At this rate (4 QSOs ever since just before Christmas 2016) I’ll soon need a logging programme to cope with this high load… hmmm.



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