(updated) I finally had all the bits in one place to sort out the power supplies for my QO100 box. I managed to assemble the ‘filtered S-band driver/amp’ and the ‘QO100 5W amp’ kits from AMSAT UK and learned a lot about SMDs like (a) I don’t like them (!) and (b) I find it far easier, being short sighted to just look up close than use magnifiers. Anyway, the kits both went together as planned and passed the basic test relating to current draw so I was hopeful that I had actually not managed to mess them up. I also had much fun assembling the LMR600 coax with memories of central heating installation!

Finally, with a 12V PSU, a 12V to 5V module and as 12V to 24V module from eBay and tie wraps to hold stuff in place I managed to get volts where needed and gingerly turned it all on. The Pluto found the Ethernet, the GPSDO lit up and SDR Console found QO100. Nothing odd in that because it was all working before but is now assembled into a box.

On the left (the door) are the two voltage converters and the GPSDO, and on the right the Pluto (LHS), the bias tee (central) and the 2.4Ghz amp (RHS) with the driver/amp above. The most awkward bit is the USB to Ethernet adapter. The LNB input, 25MHz output and the GPSDO input cables enter from underneath and go out to the dish via the white conduit, and the LMR600 enters through the side into a short piece of LMR195. There is a 12V PSU mounted on the outside of the door in a separate box.

But does the transmit side work? That’s all new. With a Windows laptop running SDR Console and the MacBook looking at the WebSDR both sitting on the freezer in the garage (so I could see if the QO100 box caught fire!!) I managed two very short test transmissions. It works! The audio was a bit naff but that is probably down to me not yet familiarising myself with SDR Console and using the mic in the laptop.

So, after ages and ages of getting bits together and everything else getting in the way it’s almost done. Signals are still down compared to other, more successful setups out there but at least now it seems all I need do is properly align the dish and sort the audio side out. And tidy the wiring. Oh yes, and sort out the GPSDO locking for the Pluto.



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